4 Ways To Start a Fire Without Matches

Every prepper knows having an easy fire starting source is a must. Stuff happens, say for some reason you are out of matches. What do you do now? Cancel the whole trip and go back home? No!
Staying for several days without a fire source can be very dangerous. Everyone should look up these methods of starting a fire without matches. They might get you out of trouble some day.
How to Start a Fire With a Water Bottle
Did you know you could use a water bottle with clear water to start a fire? The water creates a magnifying effect concentrating the light in one point .
How to Start a Fire by Friction
A classic everybody heard about using friction to start a fire, the principle is simple, but you need hard work and determination for it to work.
How to Start a Fire with a Soda Can
Using the power of the sun and a bit of reflexion from the tin can could save your life.
How to Start Fire with Flint & Steel
One of the oldest tricks in the book, just watch out you don't accidently cut yourself.
Bonus: How to Find Good Tinder
So you now can make fire, but do you got what it takes to keep it alive?