Just How Scarce Is Water?

You hear a lot of talk about water scarcity and a dismal future when it comes to fresh, clean, drinkable water. But just how bad is it?
When you think about it in terms of the planet being 70% water it's easy to think that it'll always be in supply. But the reality is really different.
The earth may be 70% water but nowhere near that amount is fresh water that's suitable for drinking. Only 3% of all the water on our planet is actually drinkable water.
And guess what?
2/3 of that 3% is frozen in the world's glaciers.
Yup.. water ain't as plentiful as you'd think.
The World's Current and Future Water Problems
It's estimated that 1.1 billion people don't have ready access to water and that 2.4 billion people people don't have access to clean water.
Rivers are drying up or becoming polluted and wetlands are disappearing at an alarming rate. The ecosystems that keep things in check are becoming stressed.
Water is a serious concern in the future too. By 2025 two-thirds (yup.. 2/3!!!!!) of the population will face water shortages.
There are projected to be approximately 8 billion people on the planet by 2025 (don't forget that's less than a decade away).
2/3 or 8 billion = 5.2 billion
That's 5.2 billion people out of 8 billion without proper access to fresh, clean drinking water.
Those aren't good odds... at all.
What Can Be Done?
The best thing that you can do for yourself is what you're doing right now on ReadyTribe.com. You're educating yourself. But don't stop here, learn all you can.
Get some survival skills and start making preparation for food and water shortages.
Second - find out how to build make-shift water filters, purchase a nice big professional water filtration and purification system for your home and pick up a few personal, portable water filters for the unexpected.
Other than that, there's just no escaping nature's course. But who knows where technology might be at that point in the future. Maybe we'll find a way to battle the problem.
We can always hope.