Are Your Home Defense Firearms Stored TOO Well?

December 29, 2015

Unless you have come up with some ingenious way to hide your self-defense gun in time of an emergency like an attempted robbery or attack against your family, it might be put away a little too well. And, if you can’t get into wherever you have it stored in the blink of an eye, you might as well just not have a gun in the home for self-defense at all.


You may be the hottest shot at the gun club or 3-gun event, but if all of your guns are in your big safe when at home you just might be a dead man (or woman) walking. Home invasion is one of the most prevalent crimes in our modern society. If you should be targeted, the thugs are not going to politely sit by and wait for you to run to your safe, unlock it and fetch your favorite tactical pistol. You need some guns properly stashed around your home.

This can be tricky if you have children—whether full-time or just visiting—about the home. In this situation, you’ll need to invest in some gun-securing devices that limit access. You must acknowledge, however, that any gun-security device will impede the availability to deploy the gun in an emergency. Continue Reading

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