Breaking News: Famous Youtuber Hickok45's Account Banned

With over 2 million fans in USA, the famous Youtube gun reviewer was banned by Google after uploading a Remington RM380 video.
This account has been terminated due to repeated violations of Google’s policies.
So far there was no update on Hickock's Facebook page that explains what has happened. We hope it may just be a technical mistake and not something more serious.
We would hate to see all those all of Hicock's videos gone from the internet.
We will be keeping an eye on Hicock's Facebook and Twitter to keep you up to date.
Update 1:
We hope you will get your channel back on soon Hickok!
Seems Google+ is not to friendly about guns. Not like anyone is actually using G+ anyway.
We Will update this page as soon as the channel is back up or anything new happens.
Update 2: Good News
Good news everyone! The channel is back on.
We are happy this got solved pretty fast.
Don't miss out his latest video!