Facebook is Destroying Your Sleep Patterns

Though it might seem like a no-brainer when you hear that social media is ruining the amount of sleep that people get, it doesn’t change the fact that social sites like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are having a terrible impact on some users’ ability to sleep. Thankfully, this only applies to people who’re spending an inordinate amount of time on these sites, so it will likely be easy for most of us to stay in control of the situation. Unless, of course, you hit up the Tribe’s Facebook page - feel free to spend as much time there (and here) as possible!
About 30% of the participants, who said they had high levels of sleep disturbance, were the group that most obsessively checked their social media accounts. Most participants said they log on to their accounts for more than one hour a day.
Jessica Levenson, the lead author of the study, said the results indicate that frequently checking social media is the best indicator of sleep difficulty. She also said that doctors might soon have to ask patients about their social media habits if they report sleeping issues — just like they ask about alcohol, smoking and sex habits.
Researchers said they still need to conduct more studies to determine cause and effect. They're not certain if social media use disrupts sleep, or if sleep deprivation increases social media use. Continue Reading
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