Free 340 Pages Disaster Preparedness Manual

We just came across this cool preparedness guide from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. This will teach you everything, from making an emergency lantern with a bottle, turn a pair of pants into a backpack, how to survive an earthquake and lots of other useful stuff. Even simple stuff such as basic first aid, emergency supplies and the stuff we all think we know, but we really should re-visit and practice.
It's made by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and all though it's titled "Disaster Preparedness Tokyo -- let's get prepared", don't let that fool you!
The stuff they teach here will work just as well anywhere else. Being prepared is universal, no matter if you're living in Tokyo, Los Angeles, Madrid, Rio de Janeiro, Joahnnesburg or Moscow -- so we can all learn something from this.
(Of course it's written in English)
It's also 100% free -- so grab it via the link below. No bullshit or clickbait, the link takes you straight to the pdfs (one per chapter) It's almost too good to be free, if you ask me.
Click here to download the PDF -- and share this article with your friends using the buttons below!
If you want to check out another great survival manual, make sure you pick up the SAS Survival Handbook!