10 Mind Blowing Bunkers From Around The World
There's something about old bunkers from past wars that always intrigues me.  Maybe it's the history behind them and the fact that they've survived for so many years after the wars have long been over. Or knowing that at one time they were occupied by soldiers fighting and possibly dying within the bunkers themselves.  They stand as monuments and […]

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Flint, MI Isn't Alone - We're in a National Water Crisis

Flint, Michigan's water crisis is now widely known around the world. It's in the spotlight and it's about damn time considering it's been going on for over a year. Over 100,000 people were exposed to dangerous water. And as a result, lead poisoning in children skyrocketed from 5% to 16%. But Flint isn't the only […]

Hillary Clinton in Flint, MI Over Water Crisis

Although presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton would love for you to think she's concerned about the people of Flint, MI, some people just aren't buying it. She visited Flint, MI on February 7, 2016 speaking to a crowd of residents and calling the water crisis "immoral." “I feel blessed to be here but I wish it […]

8 Great Prepper Uses For Zip Ties

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New Lyme Disease Bacteria Discovered

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This Week in Water Shortage News

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Ready Tribe is a group collaboration of thought and action. We believe that everyone should prepare for the worst and hope for the best. We use the best from many schools of thought, counterculture and subculture and bring them together in one place. We are optimists by nature. We believe in being self-reliant and being ready for many possible futures- yet thriving and prospering in the present.
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