Some Celeb News that Might Help You Stay Safe

Though I get that you’re not a part of the Tribe to have celebrity news forced into your face like so many other websites, a recent near-death incident with Ellie Goulding could actually be a helpful reminder on keeping safe in harsh winter conditions. More specifically, don’t go driving across a frozen lake - especially if you’re not familiar with it.
According to the singer's Instagram, Goulding escaped an early encounter with death when she and a friend, photographer Conor McDonnell, were driving a car across a frozen lake in Norway. The car went through the ice and the two were forced to escape from the icy waters.
McDonnell and Goulding both talked about their harrowing tale on Instagram a few days ago.
"That moment when you're in -25 in the middle of nowhere in Norway in the pitch black and your belt wagon crashes through the ice in the middle of a lake and you have to emergency evacuate through the roof," McDonnell wrote in his caption. "'Oh shit we're in' was my first thought. Second was to take photos. We were in the front cabin. That is pretty much under water in this photo. A few minutes later it was all completely gone under the water and ice for good." Read More