Teach Firearms and Outdoor Survival in Minnesota

If you live in Minnesota and have more than a general interest in firearms, safety and outdoor survival methods, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Division of Enforcement Volunteer Instructor Team could really use your expertise. As the courses you would teach are free of charge to the public, there’s no pay involved in signing up to teach these skills, but wouldn’t you rather live around well-trained (by you) people living in your community rather than the potentially dangerous alternative? To find out more about becoming an outdoor survival and firearm safety instructor, visit the MN DNR page on the topic.
Students learn the principles of safe and responsible firearms handling, hunter responsibility,, personal preparedness, basic wildlife management, wildlife identification, and basic outdoor survival. FAS is required before license purchase for those born after Dec. 31, 1979. Students must be 11 or older to take the FAS course.
Certified instructors training in the classes throughout the last year were Dave Klaysmat, Jim Fetzik, Fred Godec, Nick Maki, Kraig Kiger, Mike Hughes, Vince Ritmiller and Dave Samuelson.
The Minnesota DNR is looking for more volunteers to train for all activities of recreation, firearms, snowmobile, boat and water safety, bow hunter, ATV. If you are interested in becoming a certified instructor, please contact through the DNR your interest. It can be located on the computer. Continue Reading at Hibbing Daily Tribune
Image via Hibbing Daily Tribune