These 5 Outdoor Survival Missteps Could Leave You Dead in 2020

As outdoor survivalists, we are used to an inherent sense of danger simply based on what the hobby (or lifestyle, depending on your level of commitment) is. However, there are a few things that could leave you in far more danger than you need to be in, and they are completely preventable with just a small amount of effort. As discussed in further detail by Outdoor Life, these five things are:
- You go alone
- No one knows the details of your trip
- You can’t use your phone
- You panic
- You didn’t prepare the right camping materials
Sometimes, it’s the stupid little mistakes that get us killed.
We call in sick to work and sneak off to fish or hunt a new spot. Then something bad happens, and no one has a clue as to where we’ve disappeared. Or maybe you’ve gone rock scrambling in a box canyon by yourself and a boulder now has your arm pinned (we all know that story). If we’d taken a friend with us, he could have gone for help and we might still be walking around with two arms. There are some common themes to the majority of survival stories in the outdoors and, after a little research, we can see these blunders over and over again. Make sure your story doesn’t start with one of these lines, and it’s a lot more likely you’ll be the survivor telling your own tale.
Read the whole article at Outdoor Life
Image via 127 Hours